The following procurement activity is open for submissions. Interested businesses or individuals are advised to review the documents thoroughly and to contact the nominated contact person for any and all questions.
Deadline for submission of Tenders: 1pm Friday 10 January 2025 (CI Time & Date)
The Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) seeks a suitably qualified Contractor to undertake the construction of the Arutanga Harbour Concrete Hardstand, Aitutaki, Cook Islands.
Prospective Tenderers must register their interest to participate in this RFT process by registering on the Cook Islands Government E-Government Procurement portal at:
All files relating to this RFT are available on the procurement portal and below. Enquiries and questions must be sent by email to The deadline for questions is 1pm Friday 3 January 2025.
Tenders must be submitted via the procurement portal and meet the requirements of the RFT. Submissions close at 1pm Friday 10 January 2025 (CI Time & Date).
Tenderers may choose to carry out site visits before submitting a tender, and in order to assess the technical and site constraints associated with the Works. The cost of attending site visits, preparing and submitting a Tender shall be borne by the Tenderer.
Document downloads:
TSA Stadium
Phone: +682 29391