The Properties Team manages and maintains (repairs and maintenance) government owned buildings throughout the Cook Islands (Rarotonga and the Pa Enua), the High Commission Premise in Wellington and the Auckland Consulate, NZ. The Properties Team objective is to manage these facilities in a manner that promotes Government to be a responsive and productive public sector.
There is currently approximately 12 staff in-house overseeing and managing these works, with contractors / tradesmen engaged when required also. The Properties Team works closely with Government agencies to ensure there is a comprehensive programme in maintaining their building infrastructure requirements in order for these agencies to provide effective services to the public.
The team adopts best practice standards for asset management and assists other agencies. The team uses the AssetFinda programme for its asset planning and management, a comprehensive asset management software application.
For enquiries, please phone +682 29391 or email,
TSA Stadium
Phone: +682 29391