Assistance for Punanga Nui Market vendors on the way


CIIC CEO Allan Jensen in conjunction with the Minister for Punanga Nui Market the Hon. George Angene and Associate Minister for CIIC the Hon. Albert Nicholas is pleased to announce a rent holiday for market vendors from next week through to the end of October.

This means stall holders and other market vendors will not be required to pay any rent for six weeks, beginning next week. This “rent holiday” which follows on from one earlier in the year will be reviewed in mid-October.

“It’s important for us to offer support to these vendors, many of whom rely on tourists and the dollars they spend to support their small businesses and their families” said market manager William Taripo.

“By about mid-July the market had gotten back to its pre-COVID buzz, then only four weeks later it ended abruptly. We want our vendors to remain loyal to our market and to maintain supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables for our population” Mr Taripo said.

The market is a Saturday “appointment” for many locals and most tourists, and we don’t want that to change. Not paying rent for the next few weeks will enable them to maintain their presence at Punanga Nui, providing a one-stop-venue for our people to access the full variety of produce available on our island.

The market will be open as usual tomorrow and all vendors and visitors are reminded that they need to tag-in at one of the entry points before continuing into the PNM area and to practice all the public health measures recommended by Health Ministry Te Marae Ora under the current Alert Level 2.

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