Avaroa Cable Limited (ACL)


Website: http://www.avaroacable.com

Mr Robert Matheson (Chairperson)
Mrs Miimetua Nimerota (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Richard Williams
Mr Gabe Raymond
Mr Joseph Horn-Smith

Chief Executive: Mr Mike Schwarz

Avaroa Cable Limited (ACL) was formed to operate and manage the Cook Islands interests in the Manatua Cable project. Avaroa Cable Limited is a Cook Islands limited liability company and the implementing entity for the Manatua Cable Project.  The Manatua Cable fiber optic submarine cable is a 3,600km long two fiber pair system connecting Apia in Samoa, Niue, Rarotonga, and Aitutaki, Tahiti and Bora Bora deployed in 2019-20. The cable is capable of operating at up to 10 terabits per second (= 10,000,000 megabits per second) on each fiber pair using state-of-the-art fiber optical communications technology, enough speed to download 300 high-definition movies every single second. The cable was ready for service in July 2020.

To Matou Orama


Kō tō mātou ‘akakoro’anga kō te ‘akapāpū kia rauka ī te Kūki Airani tēta’i tūranga teitei nō tē ātuitui’anga kārere ē tē ‘anga i tēta’i au ‘ati’anga kimi puapinga nō te katoatoa.”

Our Vision


“Our vision is to ensure the Cook Islands have access to the world-class telecommunications services and the socio-economic opportunities that will be created.”

ACL is now a fully-fledged commercial network operator providing wholesale connectivity services in the Cook Islands via the Manatua One Polynesia Cable

Performance in 2021/2022:

  • Developed key networks and relationships with other cable landing stations as well as the provider of onward connectivity
  • Received operating license from the regulator and contracted its first customers
  • Completion of the Cable Landing Station in Aitutaki and Rarotonga
  • Support provided through rental reductions and waivers to businesses operating at the Cook Islands Airport


  • Working with stakeholders to maximize the capacity usage of the cable, including understanding how we can assist new entrants into the market
  • Continuing to work with our partners in the Manatua Consortium to ensure all parties are aligned on the key issues in the maintenance and operations of the cable
  • Develop and implement a strategy for funding the cable replacement in 2045
  • Develop and implement a strategy for managing the foreign currency exposure of ACL

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