Bank of the Cook Islands (BCI)



Mrs Tatiana Burn (Chairperson)
Mrs Rebecca Wood (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Kirikaiahi Mahutariki
Mr August Meyer
Ms Janet Maki
Mrs Simone Fe’ao

Chief Executive: Mrs Jennifer Henry

The Bank of the Cook Islands Holding Corporation (the Corporation) was established on the 01 December 2003 under the Bank of the Cook Islands Act 2003 to assume all rights and obligations of the Cook Islands Development Bank (CIDB) and the Post Office Savings Bank.

The Bank of the Cook Islands Limited (BCI) was registered under the Companies Act 1970-71 in March 2004, and re-registered 11 September 2020 under the Companies Act 2017, with the objective of providing banking services throughout the Cook Islands.  BCI is fully licensed as required by the Banking Act 2011 and operates in compliance with the requirements of the Financial Supervisory Commission Act 2003 and the Financial Transaction Reporting Act 2017.

To Matou Orama

Kia riro mai ei Numero Tai I roto I te au tu anga’anga a te Pangika ki te iti tangata Kuki Airani katoatoa

Our Vision

To be the #1  Full Service Bank for all Cook Islanders

Performance in 2021/2022:

  • Significant support to customers and the wider public amidst the COVID-19 economic response landscape
  • Despite the COVID-19 landscape, the bank has maintained its financial position, delivering stable returns, coupled with prudent financial management
  • Expanding the digital services offered to existing and new customers not limited to and including TakuBCI, the first Cook Islands branded mobile app in the Cook Islands


  • Delivering a safe working space alongside a secure and efficient in branch experience for customers through the investment in upgrading core operating assets such as the ground floor renovations
  • Investment in new products and services, while ensuring a sustainable financial structure (i.e. Green Climate Fund)
  • Partnering with Government on delivery of various financial service action items embedded in the Economic Development Strategy over the medium to long term

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