Cabinet Minister Albert Nicholas to take on four Portfolios


Prime Minister Mark Brown is pleased to announce that the Honourable Albert Taaviri Kaitara Nicholas will be sworn in as the sixth Cabinet Minister of the Crown for the Cook Islands Government tomorrow morning.

The Prime Minister has advised the King’s Representative, His Excellency Sir Tom Marsters, under Pursuant to Part II, Article 13(3)(c) of the Constitution of the Cook Islands 1965, of his approval for a Warrant of Appointment for Honourable Albert Nicholas as a Minister of the Crown.

Re-elected at this year’s General Election as the Member of Parliament for Ruatonga-Avatiu-Palmerston-Panama-Atupa, Mr Nicholas’ swearing-in ceremony will take place, Thursday December 22 at the grounds of the Office of the Prime Minister.

Mr Nicholas has been charged with the responsibility of four portfolios under Acting Pursuant to Article 16(1)(a) of the Constitution of the Cook Islands 1965.

The portfolios are:

● Infrastructure Cook Islands

● Cook Islands Investment Corporation

● National Environment Services

● Business Trade and Investment Board

PM Brown says he is delighted to announce Mr Nicholas’ appointment to Cabinet and has every confidence that the minister will deliver the required outputs of the portfolios allocated to the best of his ability and for the benefit of the Cook Islands people and nation.

“This appointment has the full support of my Cabinet and Caucus colleagues. I give my absolute support and have every confidence in the ability of Albert Nicholas to discharge his responsibilities as a Minister in the full interests of the Government and people of the Cook Islands,” PM Brown concluded.”

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