Call for Expressions of Interest in Directorship Roles


The Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) is calling for expressions of interest from persons who believe they have the aptitude and experience to serve as directors on any of the boards across the CIIC group of State-Owned Enterprises and Crown Corporate Entities.

These CIIC Enterprises and Entities include the Airport Authority, Ports Authority, Te Aponga Uira, Te Mana Uira O Araura, Bank of the Cook Islands, To Tatou Vai and several others.

We are eager to hear from any prospective candidates who feel they can make a meaningful contribution to the CIIC vision of ‘quality assets that serve the Cook Islands people’, whether they already possess the necessary skillset to contribute as a CIIC board member or are willing to be developed.

“Our purpose here is to reach out to the public and encourage people who are interested in governance roles to formally submit their interest,” said CIIC chairperson Michael Henry.

“This is so that when governance and directorship opportunities arise, those who have shown an interest may be considered for these possible future appointments.

“We are also particularly interested in encouraging those of a younger generation into these roles.”

Mr Henry added that “the Cook Islands Investment Corporation has invested significantly in best-practice corporate governance over the past few years – including corporate governance training in partnership with the New Zealand Institute of Directors, the refreshing of policies, updating of legislation and ensuring that our directors are appropriately equipped to perform their roles effectively”.

For those who wish to find out more about the roles and responsibilities of a CIIC board member, there will be an information session in Rarotonga on Monday April 26 from 5-6pm. A second information session will be held in Aitutaki on Friday April 30 from 1-3pm.

Interested participants are asked to complete an online expression of interest form on the CIIC website provided below and the details of the information session will be provided to you accordingly.

Or to enquire about attending one of our information sessions on CIIC directorship roles, please contact Tairi Herrmann on +682 29 391 or via email at

For those who would already like to formally express their interest in governance roles with CIIC, there is an online form you are invited to complete at:

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