George Oswald Pitt wrote, and Elijah Communications Limited caused to be published, in the 5 June, 2024 and 19 June, 2024 issues of the Cook Islands Herald, comments accusing or implying that Fletcher Melvin, Sharyn Paio, Caren Rangi, Eleanor Roi, Arama Wichman, Patrick Arioka, Rohan Ellis, Malcolm Sword and Michael Henry, as current or former directors of the Cook Islands Investment Corporation, and Allan Jensen as its CEO, are white collar criminals, involved in criminal activity and corrupt, and that they are bullies trying to cover up their crimes.
George Oswald Pitt and Elijah Communications Limited acknowledge the comments made are highly defamatory of these persons.
George Oswald Pitt and Elijah Communications Limited accept they have been unable to produce any evidence of the wrongdoing alleged.
George Oswald Pitt for making the comments he did, and Elijah Communications Limited for publishing those comments, apologise unreservedly to Fletcher Melvin, Sharyn Paio, Caren Rangi, Eleanor Roi, Arama Wichman, Patrick Arioka, Rohan Ellis, Malcolm Sword, Michael Henry and Allan Jensen.