Te Mana Tauranga Kuki Airani – Airport Authority Cook Islands (AACI)


Website: http://www.airport.gov.ck

Mr Patrick Arioka (Interim Chairperson)
Mr Edward Herman (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Taoro Brown
Ms Nancy Matapuku
Mrs Shona Lynch
Mrs Ngapare Tatira
Mr Tokoa Pera

Chief Executive: Mr Nikau Tangaroa

The Airport Authority is governed under the Airports and Airport Authorities Act (1968-1969).  The Authority is responsible for the management of the international airport on Rarotonga and the domestic airport on Aitutaki. The Airport Authority is recognized as a critical infrastructure asset for the Cook Islands.

To Matou Orama

“E kaveinga tumanava no te Pacifika ki roto i te tuanga tau-manureva.”

Our Vision

“Leading the Pacific Way in Airports.”

The Airport Authority’s vision and mission will be achieved through prudent management of our airports, being more customer focused, more effective in the provisions of services, being a good employer and benchmarking against the best in the business.

Performance in 2021/2022:

  • Runway Slab Replacement – 22 slabs were replaced
  • Support provided through rental reductions and waivers to businesses operating at the Cook Islands Airport


  • Ensuring ongoing safety management system compliance
  • Further capital investment in the replacement of a further 39 cracked runway concrete slabs
  • Further capital investments such as acquiring the land needed to construct a runway end safety area (RESA)
  • Protecting the seawall side of the runway
  • Upgrading the airport storm water/drainage system
  • Rebuilding part of the Aitutaki runway strip
  • Airport Terminal and Apron Upgrade Projects in line with the 20 year Airport Authority Master Plan

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