To Tatou Vai (TTV)



Directors:   Mr Brian Mason (Chairperson)
Mr Sam Tauei Napa
Mr Des Eggelton
Mr Phillip Vakatini
Mrs Ashleigh Steele
Mr Charles Carlson

Chief Executive: Mr Tereapii (Apii) Timoti

To Tatou Vai Limited (TTVL) was a water utility established in 2018 to deliver potable and reliable water supply service in Rarotonga, Cook Isalnds. In December 2021 was formalized through the To Tatou Vai Act as a not-for-profit statutory corporation. The objective is to ensure assets are managed well, replacements are planned for reliability, and the cost of operations are recovered.

Our Vision

“A community trusted supplier of water.”

TTV is to ultimately assume responsibility for the Te Mato Vai (TMV) Project (Stages 1 and 2) assets, and incorporating the existing water and associated fixed assets of Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI). 

Performance in 2021/2022:

  • Relocation of TTV’s administration
  • Upgrade of water station networks, and various tanks and reservoirs across Rarotonga
  • Training and professional development in place for staff and increased communications through various channels; TTV website, social media and media involvement


  • Handover of water assets from Te Mato Vai
  • Commencement of the water meter project
  • Commencement of the 20km of sub and branch main to allow decommissioning of the existing (failing) Asbestos Cement main, for the final sector in Rarotonga, Sector 5, as scoped under the TMV Project
  • Develop a tariff structure including a roll-out plan of implementation
  • Develop operation and maintenance programs for all aspects

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Buildings & Projects Manager

Location: Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC)Division: Asset Management DivisionReports to: General Manager, Asset Management Division The Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) is seeking a dynamic and experienced Buildings & Projects Manager to lead and manage our Buildings and Projects Unit.